Getting Started

Site Structure

This site is structured by categorized posts. Each day a post is made of alternating degrees. If a post is considered a lower level (101) task then the next post in that category will be more advanced (201). The alternating schedule allows for new and advanced users to engage with content on a more regular basis.

This page contains all the pre-requisite installation you need to follow along with us. We use visual studio code for our development because it is lightweight and extensible. There is also a large community for it should you need help or plugins. You can find out more about VS Code here.


Visual Studio Code

To install visual studio code, you can go here and select your operating system from the left hand menu. The website will provide instructions specific to your OS. Most writers for this site are using VS code on Mac OSX.


Installing Python may be the hardest thing to do in the getting started guide. If you are using Windows OS then we recommend following these steps. If you are on Mac OSX then we recommend these steps. If you are on Linux then we it should be installed already.

Compiled Languages

Click on the language the corresponds to the article you are trying to follow. Java, C++.

Cloud Engineering


We sometimes post cloud specific topics related to AWS. You can learn more about free tier resources here. If resources are available to you, we recommend using them to better follow the article.


We sometimes post cloud specific topics related to Azure. You can learn more about free tier resources here. If resources are available to you, we recommend using them to better follow the article.


We sometimes post cloud specific topics related to GCP. You can learn more about free tier resources here. If resources are available to you, we recommend using them to better follow the article.